Wednesday, May 24

Been working all these past days and i haven't had time to update my blog for a long long time..

Normally when i can work in the mornings, my manager tends to put me on the morning shifts. Recently, i found that one of my colleague is really irritating la. Another colleague once commented that she's always disappearing when there's work to be done. And it's true la.

When i work morning shift, i prefer to come early so that i can relax and have my breakfast after the opening stuff is done, and also because the 'interesting' customers will simply like to call before we are open... But that's still all right la... I don't like to rush. and the water takes a gazillion years to boil...

So this colleague, she comes in 10.30 sharp, generally everything is more or less done at this unit by then. And she doesn't auto a bit and promptly seats down and starts applying her make-up!!! The other side isn't done lor, and she's the one who will be taking care of that side. Totally no sense of personal responsibility at all.........

Then even better, at 11, customers start coming in, and normally, it'll be just the 2 of us at that timing. So she will immediately pack up her makeup and move over to the other side and continue in peace there, leaving me to cope. Alone.

Please la, 'hen mei le la'... Dun need to paint so much lor.........

I'm getting more than a little irritated........
Don't take me for granted. I am only a part-time here. I don't need to take this rubbish.

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