Wednesday, February 14

Weekly Wednesday Whammy... (www)...
hee.. why do i say so - Ok~ remember my consumer law class ? Yea, it's on wed - so every wed i will have things to add about THAT guy... What interesting thing did he say this week - hee..

Today's topic was on product liability of manufacturers from faulty products. So, manufacturers are liable for two kinds of liability - either a fault in the design of the product or container of product; and negligence in the production process...

For the design fault in the container of product - a case law was quoted, facts as such:

Fisher v Harrods Ltd [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 500

The design defect may be in product’s container rather than product itself: Screw cap was removed from plastic bottle and stopper flew off, ejecting cleaning fluid and injuring plaintiff’s eye.

Clean and simple right - guess what that fella ask - "What about in the case of champagne?"

*stunned silence for 2 secs*

Hee.. guess this would be as reasonable as knowing coffee would be hot ain't it.. hehehe... Tell McDonalds about it... =D I'm sure the McDonalds coffee case sounded real absurd to all of us, I believe and we think we know about it - do we really? Read these links, real eye opener for me..

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