Wednesday, February 7


My piggy accompanying me in hall... ^^

FInally slept full 8 hours last night.. hee.. so happy - to be able to sleep enough without guilt, or at least, immediate guilt.... =P

Wed's class is my bizlaw class, and like every tutorial or seminar, class participation is 10% of our grades... Then this guy in our class that's fast becoming the bane of everyone, cos he's always, and i mean ALWAYS commenting or asking Qs... That would be good, wouldn't it - after all, everyone learns and class would be interesting, won't it.... But - starting from his weird & stubborn Qs, to gradually, 'comment for the sake of commenting' comments - he seriously irritates a lot of pple.. Yea, i'm honestly saying, ya, i'm one of those irritated ones... Cos there are questions, that are simply WRONG~!!

Like take today, we were on the topic of title of the goods, when does it pass, and who has the right to title of goods.. So things go like this: by common law, a concept termed as Nemo Dat, you can only sell what you have... E.g. if u stole the item (which was given as an example by the prof..) you do not have the legal title to the item, thus, even if an innocent guy bought it from u, he still doesn't have the right to the item. & like any law, there are exceptions which our prof was going thru w us... Then he asks at one point: what if u stole the item, and an innocent guy bought it from u - would he have the title to the item?!?!?

We're like - DUH~! Weren't u listening???? But being nice polite (or lazy, depending how u look at it~) Singaporeans, we let the prof explain it to him again.. But all i can say is he doesn't get it... *rolls eyes*....

This is not class participation - this is class irritation......

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