If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen it’s edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success.We must ever improve ourself, to better ourself.. Or run the risk of becoming obsolete.
-Ecclesiates 10:10
Thursday, September 28
Tuesday, September 26
Monday - 25 Sep 06
This is a brand new week, and i'm starting it with a splash~!! Right into Sentosa~! ^^
Met Clement at Harborfront @ 11am to do our assignment @ Spinelli.. After we're done (well.. sort of..), we went for lunch at the food centre opp harborfront. The duck rice is said to be very famous - didn't eat that, i tried the porridge, and if the standard is anything to go by - the duck rice must be spectacular... haha... Haiya, to judge how good it must be - do you realise there are no photos of it? Hee.. exactly, ate it all before i remembered about photos! hehehe...
Sentosa!! Suntan time~*~
At night, picked up my durian mooncake from Marriot from XY.. yummy~ my mum and i ate one each the minute i got back! haha.. So happy, durian gives me endorphins too... hahaha...
Going to get the Shang mooncakes soon.. la la la... ^^
SUNday - 24 Sep 06
Met Vincent for blading in the end, cos i wanna shop around for blades, but nothing within my budget - guess i gotta look around more.. Gonna wait for Jean to come back, drag her to Queensway with me to look look.. Hee...
Met Wen after that at Orchard - oops, totally forgot we were supposed to go CFC.. so sorry!! Well, anyway, we ended up both being very satisfied ladies, cos we went to get our mooncakes from Holiday Inn Atrium! You can get it nowhere else except for at the hotel itself.. They dun set up outside one.. Zan~!!! Her fav - egg custard mooncake, and green tea mooncake!! Wah, i totally fell in love with the green tea when i ate it la..
Finally decided MOS, but ok lo, for us hardcore r&b lovers, it's only "hai ke yi" lor... Went Mr Bean after that.. (Hmmm... tot we were only supposed to "xia xia" the guys, how come we really go??) ANyway, got home only @ 6am.. Poor Richard, still gotta be chauffeur... =P
Saturday, September 23
Friday, September 22
Wednesday, September 20
Libra Today~!
Can i do it??? Wah.. Stress......You're like a wild horse today: You aren't very receptive to being held down or managed. This could cause some tension in the workplace environment, so if you receive an irksome email or are asked to go above and beyond when you've already been going above and beyond for months, count to 10 before responding!
Your spirit is high and positive, but you must try to challenge it in a constructive way. It's a great day for an ambitious workout -- physical exercise is the perfect antidote.
Tuesday, September 19

Went to watch the "Banquet" with Alan.. Oh people, if u havent' watched it - DON'T.. it's really really lame.. everyone dies.. it's a really lame story..
Happy happy, went to HRC again this week - our group, k, jem, jan & lionel.. as well as jem's frens... It's good to be there man.. My dearie, jan~! Hee... (She might kill me, she dun like this pic.. haha..)

And bumped into Jess!!! Jess, we had so much fun that time, this time we'll keep in contact, ya! Going to organise one night to Phuture.. Will keep u updated.. ^^
Sunday's ECP this week was just Jean, Vincent & me.. But we had fun, Jean & I cycled - otherwise no way to keep up with Vin la.. haha.. The sky was so dark, but we were lucky, and it didn't rain.. ^^ Went for supper after that, and only got home @ 11.. Slept at 12.... Zzz..
Monday, September 18
So sorry to my group mates, i couldn't be there at the meeting... =(
Friday, September 15
Hee.. Cos it's the first time ever I had a stranger treat me to a meal!!!
Really, i swear - i was just buying dinner home after work yesterday night, and i ordered this char kway teow from the coffeeshop downstairs from my place.. So i was seating down at a table, waiting for my food, and i accidentally kicked this guy who was passing by me. I just apologised to him lo, and continued doin my stuff.. So i saw that the cook was packing my order already, and i stood up to go over. Then this guy came over and asked if i want to eat?!! Ok, so i was pretty stunned, and i just say that i have ordered already and went to the stall. Then even better, the stall owner refuse to accept payment from me, and took the guy's money!!! I'm like, i don't even know you??? Anyway, he was really sincere, and kept telling me he means no harm - so, in the end i took it and went off.. I was really weirded out.. Haha... But - the char kway teow tastes really good... hahahaha....
Rushed the whole night yesterday to get my individual assignment for BM212 done. Good gracious, lucky my topic is already thought of, thanks to some pushing from Clement.. But essentially, i didn't sleep at all lo.. haha.. Well, at least i don't look totally like a panda yet, so muz take care~ ^^ Got the assignment done just at 7am when i muz wash up and go to school for meeting le..
Meeting was at 9am for a final check before our project presentation for BM212 - and i was super duper stupid - I left the bag of props behind at home when i kept telling myself to bring it!!! I only realised it when i was on the train, and already reaching khatib! Sigh... So sian, so u-turned to get the bag of goodies, and took a cab to school.. Super EX!!! Well, anyway all of us where in white, and i muz say, it was a good job done, and we fared well. =D Let's have a good lunch one of these days!! One of the few times where we can just go up there and spout whatever we want, absolutely no planning, no scripts ye.. haha...
Anyway, we got the simple ones, the third group, their proj is quite complicated, and has detailed instructions on what muz be accomplished to get some figures for their presentation.. Man, we are heng ah! Makes me feel better about choosing a day where the deadline clashes... hahaha...
met Eleanor to go watch the Forbidden City after class - Oh, it was really good, but it was just a nagging irritation that it was not Kit Chan - i dunno, maybe because it's a matinee show, but that's not the way still, if they wanna do that, at the very least, they should let us know! I mean, hello~ we bought Cat 1 tics, can't be to see a person we never heard of to sing~!! (But lucky for me, lyly is a really amazing gal, she managed to get us replacement tics to watch it again~!!! This time, definitely with Kit Chan!!! Yoo Hoo!!!!!)
Went for dinner & some shopping at MS after that, saw lots of funny funny stuff! hee..
Oh, and i bought a new slipper!!! Hmmm.. thinking of an occasion that i can wear it to for the first time... Hee hee.. ^^
Thursday, September 14
Hee.. I'm now at my workplace, and openly blogging~ cos i'm off work le, and actually intending to go home - But... the door can't lock~!! hahaha... Lucky i'm not responsible - cos i don't have the key! hahahaha... So now my poor manager is trying ways and means to lock the door, and i'm just taking it easy here, and check my mail, settle some emails... hee....
Anyway, i'm darn concussed la.. Want to sleep more - how~!! Not enought hours in a day.........
Quickie:Anything that reminds you of the past will give you a better sense of the present.
Overview:Ignore a tactless comment or two. This person is speaking from their insecurities -- and what they're saying certainly shouldn't be seen as the gospel truth. Ride these doubts out like a rocky patch of surf.
Wednesday, September 13
Brought back some memories from long ago. Once happy, things change... Came across yet another cache of stuff that belonged to me and him. It's been 2 years. Yet i can remember so clearly the days that we spent together. As i look through each thing, i recall the things we did, the places we went, our usual routine, our days we spent together. It's like time never passed. Going for haircuts together, going to your favourite restaurant with our bonus, going to the beach... Can you believe i still have your keys? You were so much a part of my life. But in the end, i was the one who gave up. In the end, it was still too much for me. All that upheavals, all those emotions, all that stress.
Threw everything out as i did with all the rest. Past is past, and all this is behind me. Learnt some stuff about myself this past year, learnt some stuff about life, about people, about love. Maybe this is the life i would have led already if i didn't meet you, maybe not. There are no recriminations, no blame. I never regretted the time we had.
I'll be getting where i want to be all the same, maybe just a little slower than others - But - I am doing it.
Anyway, then again, the last time i heard this song, it was sung by a person i thought well of.. The songs that day spoke of love and heartache... Another tormented by "love". Got me thinking a lot the past two days. Relationships is not something simple, not something to play around with. If i have learnt only one thing from my past, it is that relationships are to not to be undertaken lightly. It is not just about yourself and if you're happy. It is also another person's life. If you're unhappy together, then is there really any point in being together? If you don't like the other party, then why be together? It took me a year to figure it out, but truly - it probably would have been better for the other party never to have met person A if his or her heart is not in the relationship. The longer one was in a relationship, the harder it is to let go of the past...
Past - is exactly that. Past.
History cannot be changed, and we are who we are because of our experiences. When the goals have been chosen and the paths differ, so be it. Watched the Korean show, "My Lovely Samsoon", and i remember the male lead said - "So be it, let it all end here. No more self-blame, no more blaming. If i meet her again one day in the future, she will not see a despondent me."

Took precious time out from rushin my assignment due today to write this... I am so going to be dead......... X_X
(And i am so Panda...-_- Sigh...)
Monday, September 11
Friday, September 8
slept from 5pm when i reached home yesterday after class to this morning 6am, when i am supposed to wake for my 8.30 class... and i did not set alarm clock one lor.. ^^ been rushing my assignments lately, and sleeping only 4-5 hours for the past days.. Until i look like a panda.. haha..
In sch, and going for proj meeting now.. Ciao~!!!
Monday, September 4
Saturday, September 2
Heck. the idiot probably won't see this anyway... But i guess i juz wanna bitch about it~ hahaha~!!! I have nothing to hide. I am like that.
(Disclaimer: Below is purely my bu shuang-ness only.. In a bad mood pls do not read...)
If this is what u call being frens, forget it man.. I have people i seriously dislike who are more deserving of the title 'friend' to their friends~!!! Shi ni rang wo men lian peng you dou zhuo bu liao le... Kan qing ni de ren, shi wo de yun qi hao ba... Nan dao, Nan he Nu zhi jian jiu be neng you dan chun de you yi ma??? Na jiu hua qing jie xian ba... I just don't want our friends to be caught in the middle. Think about it.
Zuo ren bu yao zuo dao ze me jue... h** y** b** y*** d*... Zi ji bao zong.
Been talking about this for a bit of time le.. So this will be the last time i bring this up le.. Like a fren told me, "Everybody is different". I acknowledge the truth of that, and i accept it. So, i decided to chill, take it easy.. Zhe yang dui wo mei hao chu ah.. you she me hao qi de.. It's all nonsense ba.. Haha.. will get older even more easily.. =)
I have great friends who stand by me, and i wanna thank them... Here's a lovely rose for you all... A tribute to true friends!
Wen, Jean, c-----paula (hee...), Gigi, WW...

Friday, September 1

If you're interested for more, or your own, go here...
It will be extremely easy to feel in sync with everyone today -- you're in a solid phase of life, and each day you get more comfortable with who you are. To build on this momentum, simply keep floating. Don't try to push things a certain way ... your agendas don't matter right now. It's much better for you to let other people dictate the plans while you accept the path that's given to you. Sometimes yielding power itself can be empowering.