Tuesday, October 31

Remember the YouTube video put up recently, here's the <> himself.. hehe.. He's been interviewed in the school newspaper - The Nanyang Chronicle.. Hee...

It's in this latest issue.. just click on the "Know" and look for the title...

Good sense of humor! hehe...

Hey people~! Halloween's here again.. Made this myself - have a great week!!! heh heh heh heh heh......

October 30, 2006 - Provided by Astrology.com

Jump right in to an intimidating situation today -- and prove to yourself that you can do whatever you have the drive to do. You should immediately take control -- don't worry, no one around you is going to mind. In fact, a lot of people are eager to hear what you have to say ... they have been talking about you and are quite eager to see what you can accomplish -- so why not show them?
You will be very glad you took the chance -- and took the control.

Saw this from Cath.. this is so cute~!!! ^^

Monday, October 30

Ah~ should have checked this out at the start of the month...... I'll know better come Nov... 2 days more~!
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

It's your glorious time of the year, dear Libra! October could easily turn out to be one of your favorite months of 2006. You'll be nothing less than a triple threat with the Sun, Venus, and Mars all in Libra, staunchly protecting your interests. Not only that, but you will also have a tender full moon falling in your relationship sector on October 7. That full moon could show you just how adored you are by at least one loving person. What a special month for you and happily, it all arrives at birthday time!

The specific aspects to a full moon matter, so let's have a look. On October 7, Saturn will send you his gift of stability and clarity of thinking to the way you handle your committed relationships (That means my mummy to me... hehe...). Neptune will be charming and encouraging, showering you with possibilities for artistic and creative opportunities, or in a personal way, to enjoy luxurious pleasures. Pluto, often the zodiac's bad boy, will be on his best behavior now too, wearing his Sunday best and trying hard to use all the manners his mother taught him to please you, dear Libra. After all, he knows this is your birthday month!

Indeed, if there were ever a month to corral your courage, take a risk, and reach out to the world with both arms, this is the time to do so.

If your birthday falls on October 7, or within five days of this date, then this full moon will touch you directly. When one has a full moon on or near one's birthday, as you have this year, it means your whole year ahead will bring the projects, endeavors, and relationships to fullness. That may mean you need another mountain to climb now that you've seen success on past efforts, so see what happens.
Money, your salary, and personal possessions will become the center of your thinking once the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23. You are entering into a period of very high financial reward, a trend that will become very obvious to you in November. For now, you'll get a strong hint of how highly the market values your services near October 23 - 25. (yeah.. totally true.... -_-")
Now, let's look at your most romantic evenings:

Your first romantic evening could arrive on October 4, when Mars will reach out to Neptune, planet of dreams, sentimentality, romance, and beauty. This could turn out to be a very poetic, gentle evening for love. The moon will be in tender Pisces, only intensifying this lovely theme.

Next comes the tender full moon of October 7 that will fall in your partnership sector, operative plus or minus four days from this date. We discussed it in depth at the start of your report, and as said, this could work in one of two ways, so watch to see how things play out. If you were not born near October 7, events will be far less dramatic.

All Libras should watch October 10, when the Sun in Libra will reach out to Neptune, and Mercury (still strong at this point) will meet with Uranus. Potentially, this makes for a wildly romantic evening, one that would bubble up lots of conversation and witty fun. The moon will be in Gemini, a compatible "double bodied" sign suggesting whomever you meet with on this night you'll probably want to see again very soon.

Friends are funny, wise, and enormously distracting (in the best sense) on October 11 and 12 - if you want to go out with a group, this would be your day.
Romance will be back on your agenda on Friday, October 13 (what a week, eh?) when Venus in Libra also has a quiet meeting with glamorous Neptune. For pure Hollywood romance, this would be a hard night to beat.

But this is birthday month, and the universe will keep sending gifts to rain down on you. (Yea~! Once again, tributes to my great frens~!! All of u! )
The month ends with a lovely social opportunity. Are you invited to a Halloween party for the weekend of October 28? (Oh, yeah, i was - for 2 birthday parties! One was for the 2 yr old son of my god-bro from long long ago!!) With Mercury retrograde, you are likely to run into lots of old friends you haven't seen in ages. You may not immediately recognize one or two friends, whether because they are wearing masks or because your friends look very different now. No matter - this will be fun, so be sure to go. On Sunday, October 29 and Monday, October 30, the moon will be in Aquarius, adding a double dip of pleasure. In a month just made for you, have fun dear Libra!
Did this over the weekend myself.. my 2nd creation.. haha.. very happy when i look at my nails~ hehe... First time i try 2 colors together - challenging~! Got some prints not so complete, but on the whole, satisfied!! =D
I know, i'm an escapist - dun do work, do this kind of stuff.. =P getting to it, getting to it......

Thursday, October 26

Never knew how stupid a person can be... - Have u ever met someone who knowingly, deliberately, sabotages his relationship with his own group mate?

I'm serious...

The fella in my group lor.

We decided to do the survey for real- and it's only half the sample size. We wanted 200 & now we only do 100. Divided by 5 of us is only 20 each lo.

We agreed that if can't find then nvm- DON'T cheat!!

It is so very very obvious he filled it himself. And he denies it. Asked him before we entered the results- still denying now. The outliers N patterns in filling up r so obvious. He's messing up the entire project!!!

Seriously, doesn't he realize he's only making pple pissed w him. Pls la, it's my rep he's ruining! Pple only took him in 'cos i spoke up for him. This will be the last time i ever speak up for him. Definitely the last time i do project w him. EVER!!

He's on his own,man- I've fulfilled my obligations as an ex-classmate.

My fren scold me is right one lo- does he deserve the help; is it worth screwing up my grades 'cos of this kind of pple?? Not goin to be such a softie anymore... Work is work- Bu yao jiang you qing.. Kao de shi ben shi...
Your Dating Purity Score: 86%

You are an innocent dater.
You're either lacking in dating experience or have had a long serious relationship.
Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample!
Can i be a dolphin~? hehe...
Erotic Thriller

You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you.
Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.

Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush

Your Rising Sign is Gemini

You often feel torn between two dominant personalities.
Sometimes you're adaptable and friendly; other times indecisive and unsure.

No matter what, you're the life of the party or conversation.
Witty and talkative, you entertain with your stories and gossip.

It's a bit difficult for you to finish what you start - jobs, friendships, relationships...
There's so much you want to try. You often bite off more than you can chew.
The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
Finished Blood+ yesterday night.. Ah.. So happy~ Being ever the romantic - the ending gives hope that the heroine and her protector still has the chance to be together in future.. ^^ I would really prefer that.. haha.. Not that the producers would listen to me, but i hope that would happen.. Haji really deserves some happiness... The protector, always standing by Saya, giving her support.
Did some work - thank goodness.. haha.. Busy busy busy these 2 weeks.. =(

Wednesday, October 25

Finally got my first pair boots ever! Yuan helped me buy it when she went bangkok! It looks great. It has stiletto heels though- so i'd better practise wearing 'em!
Hehe...Got a dress too! The kind of flowing, romantic look one.. The kind that would be next to impossible to buy in SG... Sigh- makes me wish i'm working already... Anyway, good enough to have one.. Haha...
Time to get surveys done... This is so irritating - where to find the grandmas?? Hmmmmm.....

Tuesday, October 24

So glad it finally rained today.. no wonder i had a great sleep! Missed the rain - hahahaha... Yaya, i know, it rained yesterday evening too - but this morning's rain seems more like a Real rain, if u know what i mean.. One rainfall doesn't seem like much in view of the smog, but combined with this morning's rainfall, it seems to bring with it the promise that we'll be beating back the flames in Sumatra soon... Really hope so~ Fervently...

Time to study~ =(

Exploring in the residences of the high net-worth people...

Funny Bear... Anti-Valentine~! haha...

Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony ~ No Me Ames

Monday, October 23

I'm very into this Jap Anime right now~ Blood +
The story is really touching - and my heart just goes out to the heroine - Saya..

Oh~ Very important - he is so handsome!!! Haji~
Hee.. utter plagarism~ but this is so totally funny!!!
Can u believe these comments are from students in a U~!! hahahaha...

try this!!

If your birthday is on......
February 9th ~ February 18th = Green
April 11th ~ April 20th = Silver
May 15th ~ May 24th = Gold
May 25th ~ June 3rd= Cream
June 4th ~ June 13th = Grey
June 14th ~ June 23rd = Maroon
October 4th ~ October 13th = Navy
October 14th ~ October 23rd = Silver
October 24th ~ November 11th = White
November 12th ~ November 21st = Gold
November 22nd ~ December 1st = Cream
December 2nd ~ December 11th = Grey


You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person.

You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them.

You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you.

You are attractive and active. You never hide your feelings and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up someone's day. You know what to say at the right time and you have good sense of humor.

You are intelligent and know what's right. You like to make things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble for not thinking about other people's feelings. But you're patient when it comes to love. Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long time.

*SILVER*You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever.

You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.

I dunno.. is mine true? haha... Wat bout urs? =)

Friday, October 20

The last time i was eating tuna mayonnaise & bread was by the seaside, under the sun, enjoying the sea breeze.. Oh well.. wat a totally different experience today.. hahaha...

Man, I need a break!!!
I had seen this article previously in the ST Forum, expounding on how great cord blood is, whether to donate for research purposes or 'banked' as a security hedge against diseases.
Today, i saw another article in the ST Forum in response to that... Do read it... I feel it is important for us to always find out more about a new technology. Don't believe everything we hear wholesale...
ST Forum
Oct 19, 2006
The flip side of harvesting cord blood

I REFER to the article, 'Parents pin hopes on cord blood banks' (ST, Oct 12), on the rising number of parents who harvest their babies' cord blood.

As a mother and a childbirth educator, I feel that it is important that parents weigh carefully the risks and benefits of harvesting their baby's cord blood.

Cord blood should not be considered as 'waste', something to be thrown away if not harvested for storage in a cord-blood bank.

While it may be standard practice today for the umbilical cord to be clamped and cut immediately after birth, not many parents know that there are valid physiological reasons for leaving the cord alone until it has stopped pulsating and the baby's pulmonary and respiratory systems are working well.

However, clamping and cutting the cord immediately after birth is necessary for cord-blood harvesting. This action takes away 60-150ml of blood, about one third to half the total blood volume in a normal baby.

There are studies that show that babies whose cords were not cut immediately at birth show higher blood pressure, better oxygen levels and higher haemoglobin levels than their counterparts whose cords were clamped and cut immediately.

Delayed clamping, even for only two minutes, has been shown to boost iron stores in babies as late as six months after birth.

This is information that parents should be told if they are considering cord-blood banking. In the interest of allowing parents to make an informed choice, doctors should give them a complete picture of what it means to harvest cord blood.

Parents should consider not only the merits of each facility for cord-blood banking but also if it is even necessary or in their baby's best interests to clamp and cut the cord early just to harvest cord blood.

Patricia Chong-Koh Hee Ching (Mrs)

received e most interesting present yet.. Never tot i would receive this... Hee hee.. Check this out- a bottle of Bacardi!! and it's big, man..

Was talking it over w jean- Most probable occasion would be Janice's birthday coming in dec. Somemore, it'll be after our exams by then... Hahaha... No escape for her le~ =>

Wednesday, October 18

Sucky day at work today..
This colleague of mine.. I understand she's the "need to know every detail" kind, and i don't mind that, really.. It's the way she says things so pin-pointing-ly..

Well, it's about the database which started out as being my 'baby', but as school starts, and projects heat up, i have lesser and lesser time to devote to work.. This was supposed to be done way be4 school started, all because of screw-ups by the IT company..

At first, when it was official that this colleague will come to the office, she should have taken over this le - not take over only now.. Cos one of our 2 handsome guys change the orders again.. haha.. That's why..

Wat is being done now is simple, but time-consuming stuff. With someone doing everyday, progress can be faster - but i come like 8-9 hours a week, impossible to finish the darn thing. Things that i high-lighted to remind myself previously, that she was asking just now, i didn't even reach that stage yet. Yet she expect that it's all done le. It's not her fault, but she also can see how rarely i manage to work, but.. well, nvm...

Best part is she say those that i had checked, she no need to key in right - i want to faint. it's like, i told her before, the soft copy has not been touched since we printed out the list. And when she key in, i'm sure she sees it's empty, what does she mean by no need to key?!? I can tell you, she lost me there la.. -_-"

Of course, she has her points la, that she need to know has been done, to do the rest - so, cannot blame her for that.. sigh..... i dunno, usually i might have been able to take the nonsense, but i'm not in that great a mood myself, my proj group is driving me nuts...
So, whatever la, i'll just label today as Black Wednesday~

Monday, October 16

Received my b'day present from my eldest sister yesterday when i went home~! It's something that she has wanted to get for quite some time.. We went to check it out about a month back actually.. So, hee.. my birthday was a perfect excuse for us to indulge~ hahaha...

Played with it together yesterday afternoon... Yea, relaxing at home on a Sunday afternoon, indulging in some girl bonding!! ^^

Was a bit messy at first, but we gradually found the trick to getting a good print~ =)

Here's my creation!

Saturday, October 14

Main thing is that in all this time, i truly realized a very very important fact, and is something i have always believed in - Good friends are hard to come by, and we must put in the effort into a friendship..

I have been blessed with friends who have seen me through thick and thin, and have supported me all these years.. And i am really thankful for having all of you..
The times i needed support, you friends have been there giving me a hand.. When i was down, you all would be there for me..

And i want you all to know that, when you need me, I will be there for you too...
Tonight is honestly my happiest birthday celebration ever~
Many many heartfelt thanks to...

Mastermind 1, Jean...
Mastermind 2, Raman...
Logistics, Kai & Cath...
Clacker, Clement... (hee..)

Thank you all so much for preparing so much things and going to such trouble~ I am really very very touched.. I really, honestly never expected so much!! And i dunno how many times i'm going to say this, but "THANK YOU!!!"

I love my presents, and i promise i will put them to good use.. (Read: Jean, let's tie our hair the same way to school one day~ and u're choped for a shopping trip to Tangs one day soon! haha...)

Thank you Jean, for remembering, all the things we planned to do together, and making it a reality.. ^^

Thank you Raman, for choosing and arranging for such a lovely cake! It's Ramadan now, it's ok.. After Hari Raya, ok~! hehe...

Thank you Kai, for doing all (almost) the legwork on a day which would have been your rest day, and all over the island at that~ And and~ for the loan of ur pda.. =D i'll take good care of it~! keke!

Thank you Cath, for helping with all these~ We'll get to the durian-makan trip one day soon, ya! Great tastes think alike.. hahahaha...

Thank you Clem, for putting in the effort to put aside ur proj work and spend the time with us together... Annual event oh! hehe..

Friday, October 13

Oh, i never did write down what my jiemei, Yuan & good fren, Charles did for my b'day right.. heee..
Ok, i met Charles to pick up the mooncakes he helped me buy on the 3rd.. So after that, we were both going to go home actually, then many things cropped up.. We end up deciding to meet Yuan for supper, and went to TPY.. This poor guy, he has to work @ 6am the next day lor, and he met me straight after work.. Yuan too.. She had been working the whole day~ Both are like super tired!! Regardless, they accompanied me all the way till midnight, just to spend it with me, without letting on they remembered at all..
So sweet right~!!! ^^

Thursday, October 12

STORIES - Enjoy the Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups made of Porcelain, Plastic, Glass, Crystal, some ordinary looking, some expensive, some exquisite.

He told them to help themselves to hot coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in their hands, the professor said:
"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap looking ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups and worse, you were eyeing each other's cups.

Now if life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain. Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. Some times, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it."

So folks, don't let the cups drive you..., enjoy the coffee instead.

First time donating blood today~!
Decided to go down to the Bloodbank @ HSA with Kai after seeing the long long queue at ntu.. Figured that since i should go to work, and it's on his way home, we might as well make a trip down there... =)
The sticker says "Be Nice to Me. This is my first donation." hehe... yeah, i felt a bit of an alien after putting it on, but i guess it's worth it when the lady testing the iron in the blood gives me a comforting pat.. hee.. I like my squeezy ball - Halloween is coming soon, and he's gonna help me set the mood~! haha.. Oh, and their bandage is like so cute.. The nurse gave me a pink one to match my top, and it has Give Blood printed all over it! It was my badge of honor as i walked along Orchard Road to my work place....
But, back to the main point.. donating blood was not as scary as i thought.. (Ok, a big part was having our teddy, Kai, there.. hehe.. After all, he survived, didn't he.. haha..) Well, main point - minimal pain! very very important.. and it's not painful after also... Really!
Saw this board with the names of people who have donated blood 50 times already.. Kai did the maths, and we realised that assuming they went every 3 months on the dot (min time required), they needed 12 years to fulfill it.. Wow.... very committed - Inspiring~
Anyway, I think i really amused the nurses, cos everytime they lift the bandage to check on the needle, i turned my head.. My best pal, yuan, says that she's fascinated by the needle - but it's ok, i'm not masochistic, ya~! hehe... It's enough to know that i'm taking the first small step in helping others...
And know what, i think that is the most important point of all these - it made me so happy the whole day...

Wednesday, October 11

Undine Collab by ~happip on deviantART
V v sian... Why foreign banks so irritating, aren't they supposed to keep up with the needs of the customers.. made me go thru like 7 banks before i found one with internet-banking... grumble grumble.... Waste my energy... -_- So tired le.. Still got 213 to do.. ala!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 10

Today, my Company Law lecturer was so lame during lecture, i really dunno wat to say.. ^^ I think he haven't seen us for so long, he miss us la.. haha.. Brought out a lot of lame jokes and stories of "when i was young" era... First time we laughed this much during lecture... Also, i think we are so "traumatized" by the one who took over for 2 weeks, that we are so happy to have him back... At least he makes sense... haha...
"Bloomberg, die-berg, iceberg..."
Then he was going on and on about some exceptions for having to publish a prospectus, when he started expounding on a rich guy would be one who would take losing $200,000 as dropping some loose change...
So infected by his lame-ness today~ i'm reminded of this story of this man's conversation with God... (to all christian frens, pls don't think of this as blaspheming, purely a story..^^ ) Not word for word correct, but somewhere along those lines.. hehe...
Man: God, what is a million years to you?
God: To me, it is but a second.
Man: Then what is a million dollars to you?
God: It is but a cent.
Man thinks for a while...
Man: God, can I have a cent?
God: In a second...

Sunday, October 8

Celebrated my b'day with my frens at HRC yesterday.. Hee.. Many many heartfelt thanks to Kellyn, Jem, Janice, Lionel & Lifang!!! It was a great night, and i really really like my present.. ^^
Well, compared to Jem last week, i got off lightly, hee... And, thanks that Wendy & Veron came down too with their frens.. =)

(BTW, that fella there.... that's a french fry.. Think i'll let a cigarette appear in front of me... No way lor.. hahaha...)

Saturday, October 7

With my mummy at Sakae sushi beside Plaza Sing.. And my two 'sisters' on my birthday~!!! ^^
My doting 'kor' & 'sis-in-name'!! hee hee... enjoyed our lunch @ Sakae.. Yes, i know, sakae again.. hahaha...

After going for the 3rd time.. finally enjoyed my kajiki sashimi~!!! Hooray~

Demolished among the 3 of us.. haha... Not just me~! ^^
The horrible smog @ Orchard yesterday night...Gosh, this is just outside Cine, can't even see opposite to California lor...

Late night... even worse...

Gosh.. i never thought i would be using the word "smog" again... =(

Shangri-La's yummy yummy mooncakes.. The 'wu ren huo tui' is so good.. Hee..
So many boxes of mooncakes in the house again...
And this is good.. From BakerzInn - Pink Champagne Truffle mooncake & Whisky Truffle mooncake~!!! Hehe..

Friday, October 6

My friend sent this to me which i find really good, and hope that all of you will help to support this.... =)

The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.
But you can. With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade. We do not need your money. We need you to light a candle of support
We're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006. This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse. They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action.
Please light your candle at lightamillioncandles.com

Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children. Kindly let your friends, relatives and work colleagues know so that they can light a candle too.

Wednesday, October 4

I had a very happy day today, and i would like to give a very big "Thanks!" to all my friends who have played a part, and made this a very happy day for me..

Special thanks to Wen, Yuan, Charles, Jean, Kai & Clement..
And most most importantly, my mummy & my sisters~!!!

Monday, October 2

Hee.. Shamelessly 'koping' this from my twinnie~! My fav song from Forbidden City...
(Why) Fall in love
"why love when love hurts
why love when love ends
I noe how it feels
when it turns and pretends
it ends with the pain"

Kit Chan and the other female lead were both great! Their vocals were so strong.. Made me itching to get my hands on the OST... Hmmm... Anyway, took quite a few photos too this time round..

Her editing skills not bad hor~ hee...

So much good food... Hee... Buffet @ Sakae... (But after hearing so much, next time i will try to go for the Suki buffet.. =p)

Ooo.. this is my new new bag from Jean.. Isn't it cute!!! New fav.. hahaha...
working tml.. argh.. why did i agree~!!!! Stoopid me...

Need to go sch early morning tml to settle my hall. yeah!!! No more waking up at 6am and bleary eyed travelling to the west for this sem...

i have no time!! i want to study, now in the mood, but not enough concentration.. grumble grumble...
SUNday once again, and it's been a full weekend.. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves this Sat at HRC. Met Janice straight after work for a bit of snacks @ Mac.. Major occasion this sat cos... *drumroll* It was Jemmie's birthday!! We had fun! Almost everyone was there, even Veron and Wendy came to support~ ^^ Got home late lor.. cos gotta take care of my sayang mah.. hee..

This morning, woke up late for picking Jean up from the airport.. Reached only @ 11.20(?) around there ba.. Then some funny fella la, tell me they are at the food court at the 4th floor?!?! Make me run around some more........ -_-" (For the info of all in future, the food court @ T1 is at the 3rd floor..) But no matter, i got there, and got to see my Jean and Janice (ya, also~, diff one from above.. hee..) le~!! SO glad to see them both back safely! Wat matters is that things for the project are done, shopping satisfied ba!

And and!! Jean bought me this new bag, it's soooooo cute!!! I have to state my honest opinion - when i first saw it, i thought -
1) So cute!
2) Is she mad, it looks v V attract attention lo!
3) do i look like i'll use tt??
4) It's so very cute!!!
- haha! Then i think the bag really grows on you, cos it's something that i would like, but would never have tot to get for myself, or would dare to buy myself for that matter.. Hen3 you3 tong2 zhen1... I told Jean, i'm going to catalogue all the cartoons on it one day, and see which is my fav... Hee hee...

Went ECP after tt.. Guest list today include Edmund & Seline, Richard, & Vincent.. Poor Gigi, stuck at work- hehe.. next week ba~! Not bad, but cycled today, cos i dun want to be the slowest.. =P And again, spent time @ the Lagoon eating instead.. Hahaha....

Came home for dinner after that... Mum cooked her signature pork chop, and boiled pig's stomach soup for my birthday dinner... Sister dearest, so glad we could chat a bit just now.. but just want to say again.. **Happy Birthday!!!** =D