Monday, October 30

Ah~ should have checked this out at the start of the month...... I'll know better come Nov... 2 days more~!
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

It's your glorious time of the year, dear Libra! October could easily turn out to be one of your favorite months of 2006. You'll be nothing less than a triple threat with the Sun, Venus, and Mars all in Libra, staunchly protecting your interests. Not only that, but you will also have a tender full moon falling in your relationship sector on October 7. That full moon could show you just how adored you are by at least one loving person. What a special month for you and happily, it all arrives at birthday time!

The specific aspects to a full moon matter, so let's have a look. On October 7, Saturn will send you his gift of stability and clarity of thinking to the way you handle your committed relationships (That means my mummy to me... hehe...). Neptune will be charming and encouraging, showering you with possibilities for artistic and creative opportunities, or in a personal way, to enjoy luxurious pleasures. Pluto, often the zodiac's bad boy, will be on his best behavior now too, wearing his Sunday best and trying hard to use all the manners his mother taught him to please you, dear Libra. After all, he knows this is your birthday month!

Indeed, if there were ever a month to corral your courage, take a risk, and reach out to the world with both arms, this is the time to do so.

If your birthday falls on October 7, or within five days of this date, then this full moon will touch you directly. When one has a full moon on or near one's birthday, as you have this year, it means your whole year ahead will bring the projects, endeavors, and relationships to fullness. That may mean you need another mountain to climb now that you've seen success on past efforts, so see what happens.
Money, your salary, and personal possessions will become the center of your thinking once the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23. You are entering into a period of very high financial reward, a trend that will become very obvious to you in November. For now, you'll get a strong hint of how highly the market values your services near October 23 - 25. (yeah.. totally true.... -_-")
Now, let's look at your most romantic evenings:

Your first romantic evening could arrive on October 4, when Mars will reach out to Neptune, planet of dreams, sentimentality, romance, and beauty. This could turn out to be a very poetic, gentle evening for love. The moon will be in tender Pisces, only intensifying this lovely theme.

Next comes the tender full moon of October 7 that will fall in your partnership sector, operative plus or minus four days from this date. We discussed it in depth at the start of your report, and as said, this could work in one of two ways, so watch to see how things play out. If you were not born near October 7, events will be far less dramatic.

All Libras should watch October 10, when the Sun in Libra will reach out to Neptune, and Mercury (still strong at this point) will meet with Uranus. Potentially, this makes for a wildly romantic evening, one that would bubble up lots of conversation and witty fun. The moon will be in Gemini, a compatible "double bodied" sign suggesting whomever you meet with on this night you'll probably want to see again very soon.

Friends are funny, wise, and enormously distracting (in the best sense) on October 11 and 12 - if you want to go out with a group, this would be your day.
Romance will be back on your agenda on Friday, October 13 (what a week, eh?) when Venus in Libra also has a quiet meeting with glamorous Neptune. For pure Hollywood romance, this would be a hard night to beat.

But this is birthday month, and the universe will keep sending gifts to rain down on you. (Yea~! Once again, tributes to my great frens~!! All of u! )
The month ends with a lovely social opportunity. Are you invited to a Halloween party for the weekend of October 28? (Oh, yeah, i was - for 2 birthday parties! One was for the 2 yr old son of my god-bro from long long ago!!) With Mercury retrograde, you are likely to run into lots of old friends you haven't seen in ages. You may not immediately recognize one or two friends, whether because they are wearing masks or because your friends look very different now. No matter - this will be fun, so be sure to go. On Sunday, October 29 and Monday, October 30, the moon will be in Aquarius, adding a double dip of pleasure. In a month just made for you, have fun dear Libra!

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