Sunday, July 2

Boo hoo.. feeling miserable now.. Sick. FLu, cough, sore throat... =(

Just found out a friend has been lying to me. Made me think that a friend of mine is a irresponsible and etc person. Darn pissed... Of course, one thinks - everyone will say their own side of the story - everyone will wish that the other party is in the wrong. ANd the story changes...

"Look at the facts that match the symptoms. Look behind the person's facade. Look at the person's motives. Look at the behavior of both past and present."

Feel like such a fool for beliving this person.

But most importantly, very disappointed. Very.

I thought this person was a friend, and i believed what was said. They were friends too - the friend who was maligned. Who believed what that person said.

Friendship is an important part of one's life. A giving of trust, and sharing of problems, a sharing of good times.

Betrayal of a friend's trust is something i cannot accept.

All for what...

A transient love which may not even exist...


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