Sunday, July 30
It was a day full of upheavals and changes in plans..
It started from the planned shopping trip with Jaime... Poor Jaime had a fall and couldn't come.. (Sayang, u ok le ma?) So i ended up shopping alone, and glad i was to have gone shopping.. haha.. Bagged 3 tops and 1 pants.. =p The sales gal was really nice, and kept bringing me stuff to try, even brought out a new item which wasn't even on the shelves yet.. Hee.. Bought a turqoise and beige top... Turqoise leh.. Me.... I muz've been having a fever.. haha...
Then Gigi called, and from meeting 1) direct for shopping to 2) meet later for little bit of shopping, to 3) meet her friend for movie.... haha...
Then i have to go up Fort Canning still to help out a bit at my sis's event.. Hee... got a lot of photos this time! Be putting some of my creations up soon... ^^ Ya, but anyway, be'cos of the event, i was late for meeting Gigi.. =( Ya, should've seen me, what a sight, running down the hill... Felt like Jack and Jill..... @@
So finally, met Gigi & her fren Richard for a movie at The Cathay. Watched the Lakehouse... Lovely lovely show... so romantic.. *blissful...*
oK, and finally, the finale of the night, Dbl O... The songs were really nice yesterday! Started with retro, and gradually on to r& b... Our fav!!! heehee...
Saturday, July 29
My horoscope:
"If the job you want done requires quick decision making, don't get a Libran for it. he or she doesn't like having to make decisions quickly. You'll have to follow the book with reference to pay, hours, overtime, days off, breaks, and adequate and safe working conditions; if you don't, Librans are the type of people who will put up a good fight."
Went to the Ballet Under the Stars tonight with my mum. It was really quite good... Sister dearest, i took lots and lots of video for you!! Hee hee... I'm gonna try to mail it to you - look out for it in ur email oh... =D
It was quite a novel experience, being my first time going to this, even though Ballet Under the Stars has been around for quite some time.. I'll probably go again next year if there are kakis to go with.. =) I dunno.. Poeple who will appreciate dance and music ba..
Cos really, the main factor that really affects one's enjoyment of the dance is really the people around you... The group of people sitting in our vicinity were really irritating actually. They kept getting up and down, and moving here and there. Like my mum says, they are not there for the dance at all. Just to go there and to "be seen"... Like so totally wrong place lor... Sigh... (So the devil in me was like thinking, "please just stand again, i am so going to throw my slipper..." Then the more common-sensical side of me will be thinking, "ignore, ignore.. tahan~!" hahaha..)
Anyway, will probably go over to Fort Canning again tml to help my sis take some photos of the event, after my gym.. ^^ See how it goes ba.. Maybe i'll try to get some photos of nice hand or face paintings! Some of the helpers there are really quite good!
Before the event, went to Pasta Mania @ Plaza to have dinner, shopped around for a bit too. Oh my, there is this shop in Dhoby Ghaut Exchange that sells such nice clothes! I'm going back there tml!!! Hahaha... Just now didn't have time to get any shopping done...
Thursday, July 27
Wednesday, July 26

Went for the suntan le...
Super bright sun, nice and hot...
Like no reaction leh... =( Still as pale as ever...
Looks like i muz get the suntan oil le... hahaha...
After the suntan, we went home at 5pm plus.. After chatting with a fren till 8pm plus - i fell asleep... Luckily i had set my alarm clock already - i slept till 8am the next day! So shiok!!! hahaha.... Very long never sleep so long hours le! ^^
If you don't mind reading chinese, go to this website - it's really interesting what they say about U!!!
Sunday, July 23
Saturday, July 22
Then even better, when i try to go back to sleep, i dreamt that somebody was chasing me, then it became a horror movie i was watching, then become a nightmare about work!!! How to sleep like that???
So wet hair + cannot sleep = typing away in the middle of the night...
...When i should be waking UP in a couple of hours!!!
I think the nightmare about work is got reason one la - because of my boss yi4 ju4 "Never mind", now i have to spend an extra week keying in the packages all over again!!! Long long story, and the moral of the story is that - "Stand by your ideas and thinking, and be willing to let wat u are thinking be known and understood. Don't assume people know what they are talking about. Get your point across."
I think the technician also got nightmare about this....... =(
What my Birthday Says about Me
You're a practical and naturally cautious person, so you should look for a special person to be your lover. Your passion could sometimes lead you to go for someone who has nothing in common with you. Although in a sombre moment you're ambitious and you look for quality, when passion blinds you, you can't seem to see straight.
Hmmm... You should have seen how my darling Jaime was nodding her head and saying "ya ya ya ya ya!" .... -_-"
Friday, July 21
Thursday, July 20
I really don't understand how these people can be so careless with the sales figures!!!
It's like, she did the settlement for Nets, so obviously she knew there are sales paid with Nets, how can the end of day figures not include Nets!!!
And it's only the small unit, with only 5 therapists there, how messy can it get???
It's not the first time. That's the most irritating thing!!!
The only reason this is happening, is that they are in such a rush to get home - not that they LURVE to go home in the first place - that they do a slipshod job. So, win already lor. I have to clear the shit???? No way lor.
Totally fed up.
Tuesday, July 18

Finally got to watch it! So happy! Many many thanks to a "star" who accompany me to watch it even though he has already watched it once... =) And even though he has to wake up at 5am+ tml, still watch the late show, and send me home... *grinz*
Still very excited now! Johnny Depp is so cute in this show!!! I mean, i don't normally go gaga over actors - in fact one of my closest friends ever said i'm not entirely normal? I don't salivate over those hollywood actors in general... But Johnny Depp as Capt Jack Sparrow is totally, Totally charming, so cool... Portrays a free soul really well, to do wat he wants, and so resourceful (even though it may not be done in an entirely correct way~)! All i can say is - what a Man...
Ok, anyway, got a small present from Xing, for my belated b'day present.. Hee.. really really belated ah.. My this year's b'day coming le! =P But no matter how, 'you3 xin1 le4'! Thank you so much... I really like it.. I might use it one day... Might la! Maybe the starfish is real... For the time being, it will just be my decoration, k! Hehe..
The next movie on my list?
- Basic Instinct 2!! -
Going to be working 6 day week for the 3rd week running le... I'm going to die...
I love bodycombat day!!!
Sunday, July 16
Saturday, July 15

A friend of mine just introduced this new program which can help me build a webpage without learning html.. Hee.. gonna try it out.. Cos really cannot la, i simply don't have the talent for it.. Yes, Jimmy, i admit it to everyone! =P It's called Nvu - check it out!
Then i realised one thing weird leh.. Why do people got such big reactions when they hear i've broken up with my boyfriend??? Ay, it's mostly suprised la, but got some like very happy like that??? Gals, guys, also have leh? Hmmm.. I think got one more person to join in the singletons club, so go out to play together.. Hahahaha...

A new dress... Ok, i've like wanted one of these kind of bohemian dresses for like forever... =P

Me, i got ordered into the changing room to try out this cargo skirt, but it just doesn't appeal to me.. Anyway, I spotted this dress, with the beautiful brilliant green, and the sales lady told me it's 20% off it... Normally all the clothes there are max 10% off one... Yeah, well, end of story was i managed to resist all other temptations and only bought One dress from her this time... Haha...
An advice for those who are looking to buy new jeans - go to this shop @ Level One of FEPlaza... The shop name is -QOO.G-, just opposite Code Red which sells a lot of shoes... Look for the lady with long straight hair, and a brash attitude... She really knows her stuff - like which jeans suit which body type... =)
**Disclaimer - do not go there if you do not know how to say "No"... You'll be pushed and enticed to buy and buy........ hahahaha....
Wednesday, July 12
Just bought a new watch the other day.. It looks very petite and pretty.. And it's super cheap!!! It broke my record for the cheapest watch i have ever bought.. It's only 3 bucks!!! It's really scary sometimes, how cheap some things are getting - I mean, just think if they can sell it for 3 dollars, what could the cost be?
Anyway, still at work now.. Work at the spa is getting crazy again.. They still can't find a decent worker.. Sigh.. After my shift at the counter, i have to finish my things at the office... Dead soon.. Can you believe it, i'm actually looking forward to school?!?!?! I'm going to take a week's sabbatical from work before sch reopens...

Monday, July 10
Saturday, July 8
Then Now! The gathering is tonight ok - 3 of them tell me they can't make it. Darn it la! It's like 365 days a year, u cannot give 2 hours to a dinner. Great. Ok la, basically don't expect me to organise anytime soon again la. i'm just purely fed up with them. Come x'mas or chinese new year,for the gathering with our teacher, i will just set a time and date, come or not, suit yourself.
This colleague of mine is well-known for saying the funniest things unwittingly... So yesterday, a very very funny conversation occured in the spa...
Her: Ay, I am not feeling well leh.. Gastric leh...
Him: Huh.. Orh...
Her: Wah.. This kind of reaction one.. Don't care at all one...
Him: *sweetly* Oh, are you ok?
Her: *pretend angry* Huh! Dont' shed "coconut tears" ok!
I couldn't take it and i burst out laughing!!! And when she realised wat she said, her expression was even more hilarious! So CUTE~!!!
Just wanted to say:
There is one cliche phrase which is once again proven to be really very very true.. "tan qian shang gan qing"
It's like, we have always known it, but still again and again, we either believe in the goodness of people, or simply don't know how to say "No". It's not that we should not help friends leh - but i would say- as a very painful lesson taught me: always within one's own means. Don't live to regret it..
SIgh.. So difficult sometimes...
Be good person kena say 'stupid'... Be bad person kena say 'no heart'! Sigh...
Anyway, it's impossible to please everyone - So - The moral of the story?
Don't bother to try to please everybody!
Thursday, July 6
Well, anyway, what do you think of the new look? =) Easier to navigate i hope~ Looks a leetle bit more cluttered than the old one, but since it's all on one page ma.. it's like that... haha...
Probably this look is more reflective of what i am like these days...
But, like a friend who just changed her blogskin recently too - I miss the old skin too.. hahaha...
It's really quite an achievement for someone whose internet connection sucks, and has a limited understanding of html wor~! lalala.. Decided, not taking IT as a second spec 'shi4 chong1 ming2 de4'! =P
Most of my ex classmates will be registering their classes today, in 12 hours more time... Some less than that even.. So - good luck for your "fastest fingers first" competition yah! ^^
It's now time for me to go sleep since i'm gonna be getting up bright and early tml to get my first workout since i fell sick! Hurray!!!
Wednesday, July 5
But... Still, muz owe him my thanks for putting so much effort into planning the timetable.. Thanks KAI!!!!!
Oh.. know wat.. saw this "weird" woman on the way to sch today.. You know the mrt has 'in' and 'out' direction right.. This funny fella - race, i think all can guess la hor - was trying to get in from the 'out' one.... -_-" What the........... It's like not that we want to give her weird look, but it's really amazing lor....
The prev time, i saw this other woman, trying to go UP the escalator.. on a down-riding escalator..... Not once, but twice.....
Sigh... Amazing. Totally ignoring the laws of electronics - it's not gonna change for one person...
Sunday, July 2
Just found out a friend has been lying to me. Made me think that a friend of mine is a irresponsible and etc person. Darn pissed... Of course, one thinks - everyone will say their own side of the story - everyone will wish that the other party is in the wrong. ANd the story changes...
"Look at the facts that match the symptoms. Look behind the person's facade. Look at the person's motives. Look at the behavior of both past and present."
Feel like such a fool for beliving this person.
But most importantly, very disappointed. Very.
I thought this person was a friend, and i believed what was said. They were friends too - the friend who was maligned. Who believed what that person said.
Friendship is an important part of one's life. A giving of trust, and sharing of problems, a sharing of good times.
Betrayal of a friend's trust is something i cannot accept.
All for what...
A transient love which may not even exist...
Saturday, July 1
He's like totally lame - more than half the lesson was spent telling us about his personal experience when it's similar to the topic which was being covered (road conditions..), so we got more jokes and horror stories than knowledge actually.. We didn't finish the class also, haha...
First story he told us was that this trainee once asked a fellow instructor - "Why are the tail lights of cars red? Why not some other color?" Hahaha... I mean, it's pretty much common sense that red means "STOP" isn't it...
Then this trainee who didn't know how to switch on the headlights at all - he was in the middle of his test when it rained... The instructor told him the famous (or infamous, depending on how u look at it..) phrase - "YMCA" = "You Must Come Again"...........
When we reached the part about seatbelts and safety, he told us about his friend's witnessing a road accident in Malaysia. A family of 4, 1 couple and 1 elderly couple, were speeding along in a downpour at speeds exceeding 160kmph, when the driver lost control of the car! The car spun like a top and the two elderly couple who were in the back seat w/o seatbelts on got thrown out of the car and died on the spot... I almost pity the driver... I'm sure he regrets it terribly. Speeding, no seatbelt - and caused the death of his loved ones...
Then there was the time the wiper of his bro's car flew off in the middle of a heavy downpour; and many many more la.. Can't put them all up.. haha.. Can't remember them all too.. =p

A lovely night out with my two partners in crime all the way for 16 (!!!) years till now! Haven't met for quite some time le leh.. Hee.. Ah, never have had the dismal pixel of my poor phone brought home to me quite that strongly.. See this pic, it was taken with Yi's camera phone, the new SOny Ericsson one, forgot which model le la.. So clear right!!! So good...