Wednesday, April 23

Pata Pata Pata Pon!!

I got hooked to this game recently - Patapon - really totally hooked!!I just couldn't concentrate on my studies - told myself, i must finish the game! Conquer it~ haha.. I've finished it le.. Great fun!
The Patapons are ssoooo cute!
Tried for ages - finally conquered the cooking minigame!
King's Stew~
Divine Stew~
After you fight the monsters, you get to bring the spoils back for celebration!!
see my army here? From the left - my Kibapons (essentially calvary), in between are my Yaripons who are the spearmen, and the last six are my bowmen called Yumipon!! Some of my Patapons have really big stuff on the heads right? They are normal Patapons, wearing helms received after beating the enemy Zigatons!

The last item, round, drum-like looking thing - that's the Mytheerial! My bro-in-law says it comes from the chain mail worn by the hero in LOTR.. Haha.. Had to fight monsters like mad to get this! ^^

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